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Hi. My name is Stefan and I'm from Sweden. I started my "bracelet career" when I was about 16 or something in middle school. I liked the technique a lot and made bracelets to sell at christmas fairs and stuff. I was particularily interested in how to make own patterns and I made them by hand almost every day!

I made this homepage some years ago (must be like 2006) when I had learnt PHP and started my programming interest. By then, the homepage only contained step-by-step instructions how to make bracelets. But as my programming skills increased, I made the first version of my Pattern Generator and it was a great success. I also allowed visitors to upload their own patterns they had generated but a few times it ended up in copyright issues.

In may 2008 I started this website with new festures like more advanced functions for logging in, publishing patterns, and a great search tool for bracelets.

Now I'm "old" and I do not tie bracelets anymore. I program a lot when I have time over, though I am working full time. I still get huge kicks when I get response on my work. Sometimes I get obsessed and must work on something on the website and the other parts of my life suffers :). But there has never been a problem.

I hope you like my site and that you will develop the same interest I did when I was younger. Enjoy!

Special thanks

M - for being the best and most loyal bracelet web-buddy ever.

Ellinor - for being my only (?) close-living fan.

Anders S and Björn - for giving me inspiration to start with web design.

Anders R - for teaching me PHP in high scool.

My sewing class teacher - for giving me access to friendship bracelets pattern books and string in secondary school.

The moderators - for helping me with the site and for uploading so many beautiful patterns! Especially Ania, one of the coolest girls I ever met :)