
was donated


If a user donates money to the site, the user will magically ascend to the bracelet skies, touch the stars, and of course, become AWESOME! This is indicated by a little star beside the username in the forum for example. A big THANKS to all the AWESOME users out there!


Many hours of work and money have been put down to make this website real. If you appreciate what we do and want the site to last and develop, we are very thankful if you would like to donate even a small amount of money.

What will the money go to?

All of the donated money is spent on the website in some way. It will be spent on web hotel fees, domain fees, public relations through Google AdWords, new hardware, software etc.

Is it safe to donate?

Today, we can recieve your donations via PayPal, an esteemed company by the american Ebay. PayPal offers safe transfers via credit card or e-mail. No extra fees are required, just your donation. Click the button below to get to our PayPal site.

Please attach your username when donating! This way the backtrace process will be easier for us.

Thank you for donating!

Note : If you think our webmaster might have missed an update after your contribution (star not added after your name), please drop us a word in the forum.