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Why was my Pattern rejected?

Why was my Pattern rejected?

Answer :

Your pattern was rejected for at least one of the following reasons. [p](1.) It was stolen or copied from another site or book![/p] [p](2.) The moderators deem it an inappropriate pattern for this site. No patterns that include weapons, violence, sex, genitalia, hateful/racist slurs, swear/cuss words or other kind of rudeness will be accepted. Patterns of swords, bows and arrow, lightsabers, rayguns and other fantasy/sci-fi-weaponry are exempt from this no-weapons-rule. [/p] [p](3.) It is almost exactly, or very very much like patterns we already have.[/p] [p](4.) The pattern is too obvious how to make or is too easy/simple (e.g. candy stripes, chevrons, rag-rugs, vertical gradients, and checkerboard alphas!)[/p] [p](5.) The pattern is completely random.[/p] [p](6.) The pattern was larger than 125x125 knots. Any patterns larger then 125x125 will be rejected to save server space. [/p] [p](7.) It was a simple flower design Kumihimo bracelet pattern, we already have way too many of them!! [/p] [p](8.) It was a simple name or word pattern. Name/word patterns will also be rejected if you add a swirl next to it, or a heart, smiley face, peace sign or anything like that. We do allow logos, and of course entire alphabets![/p] [p](9.) It was a name or word pattern using a fancy font. If the font/alphabet you used is already on the site the patterns will be rejected! [/p] [p](10.) It was deemed, by the moderators, to be too personal, and unlikely to be created by anyone other than the author.[/p] [p](11.) The moderators deem it an incomplete pattern.[/p] [p](12.) The pattern has already been submitted multiple times in slight variations.[/p] [p](13.) No new patterns will be accepted that are just multiples of one pattern (e.g. the 12-thread-version will be accepted, but not the 24-thread-version, or 36-thread-version, etc.).[/p] [p][b]All users who copy patterns from this site, or from other sites, will be banned for a week for stealing.[/b][/p]