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thread name replies author views last post
watermelon pattern
hi, I want to make pattern of watermelon .. but I don't have its pattern :( can anyone help me
1 usr948 2272 15 years ago
by Cathelijn
can anyone make the pattern or help me with it cuz itsreally hard please helpme with it (it coul
4 usr1163 1952 15 years ago
by usr1163
1212 patterns
Hi, I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me where to find an online list of 1212 patterns. I'
3 origamilemon 2561 15 years ago
by origamilemon
Need help on 2520!!
I've tried this pattern soo many times but i can't follow the pattern intructions can anyone help
1 usr1400 1153 15 years ago
by meg
1846 or 1847
Anyone can make a pattern of this bracelet whit less threads, i cant figure it out
1 usr1376 1153 15 years ago
by origamilemon
1846 or 1847
Anyone can make a pattern of this bracelet whit less threads, i cant figure it out
0 usr1376 886 15 years ago
by usr1376
rocker hand
can anyone make or kelp me with the rock hand??? please
0 usr1163 1210 15 years ago
by usr1163
2332 (butterfly pattern)
hello. can anyone help me with this pattern can anyone make the butterfly pattern intu a
2 usr1163 3861 15 years ago
by usr1163
Simple squares
Hey, i'm actually new at doing friendship bracelets and i would really appriciate it if someone woul
1 usr1326 1039 15 years ago
by AnJaGa
can anyone make it or help me with this pattern????? i wuold aprreciate ur help thanks
0 usr1163 1063 15 years ago
by usr1163

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