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Deleting? by AllyLiz13 14 years ago

Is there a way that I can delete patterns that I have made? I don't want them on my page and they aren't very good in the first place. Please help :]

RE: Deleting? by bella10 14 years ago

I don't think you can. Maybe you should ask a moderator about that.

RE: Deleting? by collies11 14 years ago

Actually you cant, but a moderator can. just private message one of them with one good reason and they will remove the pattern. but consider the people working on it. hope i could help!!

RE: Deleting? by Frosty 14 years ago

No moderators can't delete patterns.

RE: Deleting? by Stefan 14 years ago

@Frosty: Are you sure? There should be a "Delete" button for all moderators on the pattern page. Maybe I messed up the access for you guys.

RE: Deleting? by collies11 14 years ago

Oh Cool!!!!!!

RE: Deleting? by Frosty 14 years ago

LOL, Stefan. We couldn't when I was moderator. It must have changed.


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