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Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by usr1521 15 years ago
They look pretty simple but i tried to and it didnt work. i do have rattails(the thicker string) but my embroidery floss doesnt look like that. is that embroidery floss? what is it? and any instructions will do. i just really want to know how to make this. thanks so much!!

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by usr1521 15 years ago

oops i made two threads. i didnt think te first one went through. sorry!

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by meg 15 years ago

yes. and it is very easy! i will make a video for you.

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by usr1521 15 years ago

!!!!!!! YAY!!! omg thanks so much!! i feel so special, you are making a video for me:) aww. thanks so much again. ive seriously been looking for this for MONTHS! i got an all black one in whales but it was stolen by another girl who wont admit it.:(

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by meg 15 years ago

thats horrible! anyway.. my sis wants to get on here and as soon as she is done I will make the video for you!

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by usr1521 15 years ago

ok thanks!:o)

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by usr1521 15 years ago

ok thanks!:o)

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by meg 15 years ago

ok.. I cant get my vid to work so here is another one.
but I will describe it some. what you do is get all of your strings (must have 2 of each color so you dont have to tie single strings on the thicker string) and do the tie thing I show you. than what you do is with whatever side your strings are on. get the one closet to the thicker cords (the 2 in the middle) and do a back knot on each of the cords (back knot if your strings are on the right, foward if they are on the left). you do this with all of the strings and they will be on the opposite side of the cords. now you will do thee same thing, only you are doing forward knots (like I said, depends which side you started on, but I am basing it on the video). repeat this over and over until you reach your desired length.

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by usr1521 15 years ago

thanks so much, i didnt even know they had a name. haha. i am going to see if i can find the rayon embroidery threading because its easier to work with than mine which just falls apart:/ and you cant melt mine... again thanks!

RE: Is there a pattern for these? they look simple but i cant get it right. by marionette09 15 years ago


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