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Using paint to pixelate pictures and fonts by Unbelieber 14 years ago

so i use Paint when i want to pixelate fonts but almost every time i stretch it, the font becomes too pixelated. what i mean is after i zoom in and choose to stretch it down to a smaller size, the image has too many pixels. what my question is, is how do you know how much to stretch it? like, what number by what number should the measurements be? thanks :)

RE: Using paint to pixelate pictures and fonts by Carrie 14 years ago

When I want the pattern to be 5 inches long, I always plan for 60 rows long. If it's 6, I make it around 70-75.

RE: Using paint to pixelate pictures and fonts by Unbelieber 14 years ago

Thanks for answering but I mean the measurements in paint. Like it asks you how much you want to stretch it by.

RE: Using paint to pixelate pictures and fonts by Carrie 14 years ago

60 pixels by however many high.

RE: Using paint to pixelate pictures and fonts by Unbelieber 14 years ago

But thats not how it does it. it decreases by a little bit every time


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