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RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by rojocharmander 11 years ago

Everything here feels like it's a year old lol, seems like it's not all that active. I just happened upon it when looking for an pattern with the Atheist "A" on it, unfortunately I didn't find one. I just saw where sneasel was being asked about being an Atheist and I just wanted to point out that it's okay to be who ever you are. Doesn't mean we're good or bad. *shrug*

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by bestbracelets69 11 years ago

I think we shouldn't be arguing about this. If you don't want to be religious,you don't have to be,but at least respect those who are. Believe in what YOU really think is right and stop trying to tell others what to believe in. You can have your opinions about other people's religions,but there's no need to get angry. Although you might disagree with some religions,I think you will find that you can also learn stuff from them,like forgiveness and friendship. I agree that kids shouldn't have it shoved down their throats,but just be nice,ok? :)

RE: The Anger/Annoyance Thread by APC 8 years ago

People in non-Christian religions are only thought of as bad by very conservative and small minded people. People who are truly good Christians and Bible following believers will learn to love everyone, regardless or race or religion, even those who are unkind to them. Jesus loved everyone, it is something that we should all strive to do.


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