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RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by iluvmyspud 13 years ago

ya ive been wondering wut to do with them any ideas other than the bead and pinata

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by iluvmyspud 13 years ago


RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by camprogergirl 13 years ago

what are floss wrappers? those little plastic things? i just recycle those....

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by iluvmyspud 13 years ago

do you have any ideas on wht to do with them?

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Let's them, make a chandelier or mobile, make a set of windclatters (they don't chime, so...yeah), uh...that's about all I can think of right now.

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Joy 13 years ago

eat them???

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Carrie 13 years ago

They end up on the floor and my cat plays with them :)

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Gracie04 13 years ago

I dont want to throw them away because, think of how many people on this site and abound the worl make friendship bracelets. AIf there are two ploss wrappers per skein, I have a gazillion skeins, and a batrillion wrappers, Its just a waste, You coulf so stuff with em. I covered a notebook in them and gave ir as a gift. It just cool

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by lostflight2 13 years ago

Well, recycling them would be one thing you could do to start, but I agree that it would be cool to come up with some craft/project to use them for...I'll keep thinking about it!

RE: FLOSS WRAPPERS by Joy 13 years ago

y would u eat them????


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