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RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by Joy 15 years ago

wow. lots of gret ideas. i sue duck tape on my deskor a clipboard..oh and the platic bottle idea sounds really cool.

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by bluebird 14 years ago

This might sound really weird, but I sometimes I tie a loop of string to the top of the bracelet and put it over my big toe. (I'm usually sitting on the floor when I'm doing this.) It gets uncomfortable after a little while, but it works when I'm not wearing jeans to pin the bracelet to...

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by bluebird 14 years ago

Then again, most of these sound weird.

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by Joy 14 years ago

i used to do that but it got boring that way and now i do it the way i explained it above^^

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by volleyball 14 years ago

i tape it to my notebook!

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by Tzonki 14 years ago

I'm back round here. ;) Now I use a clipboard, I think it is much mor easier than with pins or things like that. ;)

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by Weenie 14 years ago

I use a clip board, tape and a table, or one of those cips that have the silver wings on them (I dont know what it is called) All have worked very well for me. I guess it just matters what you prefer.

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by moushtie 14 years ago

This may sound a little crazy... but I don't use anything to pin down my bracelets. I just hold the loop or bracelet with 2 fingers on my left hand and use the rest of my fingers to knot.

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by kokoemeh 14 years ago

moushtie, I have to say, that amazes me that you can do that. I don't think I could, no matter how much I made these!
What I do varies. When I make them, I make the thread long enough that there is a loop on the top (makes tying it to a person's wrist/ankle easier) and I will either loop that around my toe or tape it to my leg or a table or something.

RE: What do you use to hold down your bracelet when you make it? by Laneylu412 14 years ago

Wow moushtie. Like Kokoemeh says, I think its amazin that you can knot with the rest. I certainly canot. I use a safety pin and jeans or tape and a desk and once in a while a clipboard


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