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viruses by Sneasel 13 years ago

Earlier today I kept getting onslaughts of viruses and pop-ups, which my Avast had to block almost every time i went to a new page on this site.
the most malicious of which was the installing of Security Tool, a FAKE antispyware, which gave you false readings of spyware on your computer, to scam you out of money.
It locks down your internet occasionally, keeps you from opening up your task manager, and prevents you from using completely harmless windows components such as the Command Prompt and msconfig.
this thing prevented me from booting up ANYTHING, and I couldn't access anything to boot me into safe mode, which would help me delete this program. I had to completely restore my computer to a few days ago, deleting anything I had recently saved.
Right now I'm running a full scan to make sure nothing else is on here.

I am 90% sure it was this site, seeing as there has been lots of remodeling that might have opened up a gap (as well as the tons of ads). The only other sites I had open were facebook (which I have never had problems with, and the only "viruses" I would get were messages sent to 108 other people) and amazon (which is ad-free).

I'm letting you know, Stefan, so that you can check and see if there really is any problem, or if it was something else. It's better to be safe than sorry.
and for other people, i suggest reading up how to remove it in advance if you've been having troubles, too. It is REALLY frustrating to remove if you have it installed while you're trying to browse. Like I said, it blocks out the internet sometimes.

RE: viruses by Stefan 13 years ago

Thanks for the report, Sneasel!

As I've written all code by myself, I can assure that there are no viruses in it. I have tested the site on all kinds of browsers and computers (accept Mac) and I haven't noticed any kind of virus warnings.

It's not very probable, but if the warnings comes from this site, you might have gotten them via external programs such as Adobe Flash Player or PDF viewer. I've heard both are having problems with security. Maybe Java Virtual Machine also, but I think that is secure.

What OS are you running? I guess you run Windows since you need a firewall. As I always do, I suggest switching to Ubuntu. It's as easy as windows and it doesn't have viruses at all. To try it out, you can run it directly from the CD. You can keep windows on your computer and choose between windows and Ubuntu when starting the computer.
If this isn't tempting, I advice you to at least run the Google Crome browser. It's more secure than Internet Explorer and so much faster.

Again, thanks.

To other users: please report if you're having similar problems.

RE: viruses by Sneasel 13 years ago

Alas, because of my computer, i strongly doubt I could run Ubuntu, at least well. I have a Dell mini, unfortunately, and run Windows 7 Starter. I use Firefox, and really dislike chrome, haha


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