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Tying Alphas by fbmagic 13 years ago

Okay question! So when you all are doing alpha bracelets, I know most people don't cut the background thread a certain length they say they put it on a bobbin or just keep in in the skein form. I keep in in the skein form but I find out it starts to become knotted up and all that and it is becoming a problem for me. So I want to know how do you guys do it? I heard some people use bobbins? What are those. Are they the paper bobbins. If so I have used those and they can become quite annoying? Any other options?

RE: Tying Alphas by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Well, I really don't know...

RE: Tying Alphas by fbmagic 13 years ago

lol alright! ;)

RE: Tying Alphas by Tifanna 13 years ago

i personally use bobbins. i had some i cut out of cardboard and i just wrap the string on it. the paper ones if i'm thinking of the right ones are too flimsy and i can see how they'd be a hassle. i like to unravel the bobbin 5-8 inches and then "lock" the string in place on the cut outs and work with that then when it gets too short i give myself more, that way the bobbin doesn't unravel. that's the way i do it anyways...

RE: Tying Alphas by fbmagic 13 years ago

alright thanks for the advice!

RE: Tying Alphas by Salomi 13 years ago

what are bobbins?????

RE: Tying Alphas by fieldhockey8 13 years ago

bobbins are little squares of cardboard or plastic that you wrap your string around. You can find them pretty cheap at craft stores. I use them, and they work out fine but you shouldnt really use paper ones for when ur doing an alpha because you have to pull the string hard and the bobbins can rip. however, i do store my string on paper bobbins.

RE: Tying Alphas by Salomi 13 years ago

Ok....Thanx a lot!!!!! :D

RE: Tying Alphas by fieldhockey8 13 years ago

ya welcome! :)


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