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Feedback please by Satyr 15 years ago

I've designed a pattern that I would like to get some reviews on before I upload it. If there is anything you would want to change, add or in any way do different, please tell me :)

Version 1

It's a very detailed pattern, which is why I want your opinion. I want it to be as good as possible ^^

RE: Feedback please by mgmeboy 15 years ago

Its Really Awesome, I would make it into a bracelet exactly how it is :D

RE: Feedback please by wojo 15 years ago

i like it a lot it is cool it might take a while to make but it is kewl

RE: Feedback please by Acid 15 years ago

That's really awesome :)

RE: Feedback please by Stefan 15 years ago

You are really talented, Satyr! Must be because you are from Sweden, huh? :P

RE: Feedback please by Satyr 15 years ago

Ehehe, could be that... :P

RE: Feedback please by MandaMay21 15 years ago

Holy Cannoli! You are freaking talented! How long did it take you to design that?!


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