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Deleting!!! by usr11868 13 years ago

I really wish there was a way to delete a pattern or comment! Does anyone else agree?

RE: Deleting!!! by Carrie 13 years ago

Contact a moderator if you want a pattern or comment deleted.

RE: Deleting!!! by Charmed_1 13 years ago

Completely agree with ya....but most likely will never happen. Too many cons verse pro's from what I had gather in other past forums...?...I know being able to delete a photo would be nice, and also being able to upload pictures onto our profile page only with the abilitiy to delete those pictures too. Maybe one day.. :)...for now a moderator is your only best bet..

RE: Deleting!!! by Stefan 13 years ago

Delete patterns... no. If someone started making the pattern, leaves it for a day and when he/she comes back, the pattern is gone? No thanks. Needs to be controlled by mods.

The profile pages are for personal information, not photos really. I think many users would upload personal pictures there if that would be possible. Or photos of things that should be in the gallery, attached to a pattern. Endless source of work for mods :(

Anyway, keep giving ideas. If you got ideas with more pros than cons then it's just a matter of coding :)

RE: Deleting!!! by Charmed_1 13 years ago

Understand about it being a mess stefen, however there has been times that I wanted to post a picture of a bracelet(s) that would not match a pattern due to altering it or what not, towhich on that note would be nice to be able to have these kinds of pics on our profile page....maybe allow a small amount (5 pictures) or less if need be, for our profile page and only bracelet related. This way it doesn't turn into a big mess?...Just a though...I know your stuck with your decision to why, but I can at least

RE: Deleting!!! by mirabilis 13 years ago

Charmed - if you have a photo that doesn't/can't match any of the patterns on the website, upload it to the tutorial "How to upload photos to patterns." That's what a lot of people do. I've also seen people use just the 'multicolor alpha tutorial' or 'how to resize photos' tutorials for this.


RE: Deleting!!! by Charmed_1 13 years ago

oooo....nice to know. thanks

RE: Deleting!!! by 44minutes 13 years ago

I agree with deleting a pattern. I guess if there was a way to send out a notice that the pattern was going to be deleted it could work, but even then I think people would get angry. I would like to be able to delete comments, though. (:

RE: Deleting!!! by Foz 13 years ago

the topic of deleting comments has been dealt with already, and I'm not going into it again ;-) deleting patterns seems like a tricky problem, since not everyone prints out patterns or saves them to their pc while working on them... but if it's just a mistake in the pattern you could ask a mod to fix it for you. I'm not sure they'd be too happy with getting too many requests like that but I know it can be done ;-) and if you have a bracelet that doesn't fit a pattern here, put it in a picture with one that does have a pattern ;-)

RE: Deleting!!! by Charmed_1 13 years ago

oops!. just realized I had a double post, internet must of been posseced again. (lol) I think I'll stick with my intial comment. And I already do that with bracelets with patterns. I like taking a picture of a group of my bracelets sometimes; those would have been nice to show case on my profile page. I've lived without that, and I'll survive so I'm good! lol


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