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HEEEEEELP PLEASE :( by Scouteagle 15 years ago

hi, my name is Bruno and I'm from Brazil. I LOVE to make and use bracelets, but I want to MAKE a pattern, you know, not to make THE bracelet, but my own pattern. is that possible? can you tell me how?
thank's soo much
*and sorry my mistakes, my english classes are not finished yet :/

RE: HEEEEEELP PLEASE :( by Scouteagle 15 years ago

oooh god I'm soo stupid!! I just saw a little bit the site and I find it. sorry you guys :(

RE: HEEEEEELP PLEASE :( by wojo 15 years ago

thats ok

RE: HEEEEEELP PLEASE :( by Olympe 14 years ago

If you want to make your *own* pattern, please create them first. None of the patterns you posted so far are originally yours.

RE: HEEEEEELP PLEASE :( by Olympe 14 years ago

Ahm, sorry. Case of mistaken identity. I was thinking of the user with the *username* Bruno. Really, really sorry.


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