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Ending knots for a keychain by LoriH 13 years ago

How do I tie off the string at the end of my design when it's being used for a keychain? I used the larkshead knot to attach the strings to the keychain, but would like the ends to look neat, too.

RE: Ending knots for a keychain by LoriH 13 years ago

I've been looking at pictures, but still can't figure this it just several overhand knots?

RE: Ending knots for a keychain by iluvmyspud 13 years ago

i usually just do an overhand knot on seperate bunches. i. e. if i had a 12 string keychain i would seperate them into 4 bunches of three, make a knot really close to the pattern and then cut kind of close to the knot and glue the knots so they stay in place. if u have any ?'s than feel free to ask!

RE: Ending knots for a keychain by Foz 13 years ago

I don't use glue, but then I don't like cutting the threads too close to the knot either ;-) I made one where I cut the threads fairly close and after a while that one didn't look as neat as the ones where I left the threads about half an inch from the knot :-)


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