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i need hellllpppppp by painbear 13 years ago

i cant figuer thes things out to save my life i can only do the fwd knot can any one help meeee pppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

RE: i need hellllpppppp by kittycatkea 13 years ago

Try youtube, that is where I learned all my knots :D

RE: i need hellllpppppp by Hollister_1922 13 years ago

youtube is good or you could google it

RE: i need hellllpppppp by Scout 13 years ago

Also, there are tutorials right on this site. Quite a few of them, actually. Just click on the tab that says tutorial and look at the first few tutorials. The newbie ones are listed first. If you need more help, I can link you somewhere, but I'd start there just because there are so many right there that might be helpful.

RE: i need hellllpppppp by Rachel_D 13 years ago

For me, after watching a bunch of tutorials, it works best just to try them out. Maybe if you experiment a little you'll figure it out.


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