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Help with a pattern from another site! by Person 16 years ago

I have been trying to figure out how to make this design for about a week now, but it just isn't working for me. please help me with this pattern.

It's been bothering me for a while lol. Please help me if you can. I dont understand if it is a typo from the instuctions or something but it says that you make Fk on the right side. I might just be doing it wrong, I have no clue. I tried doing the fk from the left side on it but that dosn't work for me either. I hope you can help!

RE: Help with a pattern from another site! by rotem 16 years ago

hi there.

fk - forward knot - is the same as right-hand knot, in case you didnt know.
have you noticed the order of the threads? the order on the right is: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R. the instructions are: Starting at right, make fk with 4R around 5R. there souldnt be any problem: you make fk with the one before last thread on the last one.

i hope i helped you. you know that heather's site has its own forum so you dont need to do all the way here to solve problems.

RE: Help with a pattern from another site! by ron 16 years ago

there is a bracelet like that on this website

RE: Help with a pattern from another site! by Person 16 years ago

Yes, I did know that Heather had one but for some reason it wouldn't let me attivate it but I used a differnt E-mail address and got it now. Thank you for your help :)


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