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Uploading pictures? by Person 16 years ago

I tried to upload a few pics for some of the designs that I have done but it said that the file was too big! Is there anyway to fix that?

RE: Uploading pictures? by Stefan 16 years ago

Sure. I have the right functions for it. I'll put it on my to-do-list.

RE: Uploading pictures? by Person 16 years ago

Thank you :)

RE: Uploading pictures? by usr358 16 years ago

I'm sorry but I can't find where can I upload my pictures... I can't find this option anywhere!!!! Please, HELP!

RE: Uploading pictures? by unicornprincess 16 years ago

Ok, uploading pictures is real easy. You go to the patterns page and then you find the pattern that you want to upload. Next to the pattern should be something that says _photos and next to that says upload. You click on upload and choose your picture and upload!!! Hope that helps :)

RE: Uploading pictures? by usr556 15 years ago

I tried to upload a photo of a bracelet I did, but it went to my personal page (or whatever it's called). Where do I upload a photo of the bracelet to share with everyone? Do you have link?

Thank you,

RE: Uploading pictures? by usr556 15 years ago

Here is like what I'm trying to share:

RE: Uploading pictures? by Cathelijn 15 years ago

I try to explain it by an example. If you want to upload a picture from #1938, go to this page:
Next to the picture of #1938, you see: 0 photos (upload). Click on upload, and you can upload your picture. But this only works if you log in.
I hope you understand it now.

RE: Uploading pictures? by Stefan 15 years ago

There is also a link on the same page as the pattern now. Go to your pattern and click Upload photo.


RE: Uploading pictures? by usr556 15 years ago

But my bracelet doesn't exist here. That's why I want to share it.


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