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Suggestion by Roseit 13 years ago

I already said this on the guestbook, but here it is again:
I have a suggestion for the website. Many times, I wanted to make a normal bracelet, but I used different colors. I had some in mind and bought them. When I started making the bracelet, I thought the colors looked horrible together. I'm suggesting maybe a virtual color tester like the generator, but you cannot change the knots, only the colors. I don't know if this is a good idea or not, so please give me some feedback on the idea. Thanks! :)

RE: Suggestion by Carrie 13 years ago

If you want to change the colors for now you can always use the program GIMP. I might make a tutorial if you're interested :)

RE: Suggestion by Roseit 13 years ago

thanks!! I never knew that. :)

RE: Suggestion by bieber4ever 13 years ago

please make a tutorial!

RE: Suggestion by Roseit 13 years ago

yes, make a tutorial, if you have time.

RE: Suggestion by Stefan 13 years ago

Hi !
I really appreciate ideas like this, really really great! Please tell me if you've got more ideas.
The color testing tool is under development right now.
If I post a link to the color tester tool here, would you try it out for me? I seldom find all bugs myself.

How would the color tester work if you could decide, more specifically? I'm thinking about a small pattern preview (like the ones above the patterns) and a color picker for each color used in the bracelet.

RE: Suggestion by Carrie 13 years ago

I like that idea Stefan! Maybe we could have a way to save the entire pattern to our computer once we set our mind to something we like. Also, I think it would be helpful if we could change specific string colors as well, instead of just certain colors.

RE: Suggestion by WhiteWolf101 13 years ago

i would try it out i think its a great idea! lol i would love a color tester.... but what happens if a color you are using is not in the color tester? thats my only question.

RE: Suggestion by Roseit 13 years ago

thanks! It means a lot. :)))))
I would love to try it out.

RE: Suggestion by bieber4ever 13 years ago

I would love to try it out. it would be very useful


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