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Bracelet price? by flossfreak 13 years ago

I was wondering what would be a good price to sell bracelets for. Help?

RE: Bracelet price? by bracelet_baker 13 years ago

if i was selling them i would do alphas for 2-3 dollars and regular for around 1$

RE: Bracelet price? by TweedleDee 13 years ago

I think selling bracelets is not a good way to make money. For example, lots of people ask about fourteen string plaid bracelets, which take me seven or eight hours. Getting ten dollars an hour would make one of these simple bracelets worth about seventy dollars, and while a reasonable price for selling is less than ten.

RE: Bracelet price? by bracelet_baker 13 years ago

or if you dont think the type of bracelet(alphas and normal) matters about the price have it depend on either long it took you or how many strings you used

RE: Bracelet price? by fbmagic 13 years ago

I've sold a few bracelets and to be quite honest I have made sort of good money. The only problem is you don't make much of a profit. I make a lot of alpha's with names on them. They are 11 strings and I used to sell them at $5.00 a piece, but I'm boosting it up a dollar. Some people will pay insane amounts for these things. If you sell on etsy, you may be able to sell for a pretty good price. It all depends on how much you want for the bracelets. For me a 10-12 string is worth about $6.00. I made a 32 string bracelet and if I ever sell it, it will probably go for $15.00 maybe higher. But that's just me. It really depends on the price you want. Hope this helped. :)

RE: Bracelet price? by hanechan 13 years ago

I charge 75 cents a string. Like TweedleDee said, its pretty hard to earn what your time is worth.

RE: Bracelet price? by twilightlvr1234 13 years ago

@hanechan that seems like a good way to do it! i am thinking about selling them but i don't know where to sell them or how much to sell them for.... 75 cents a string seems reasonable :)

RE: Bracelet price? by Dodadoo 13 years ago

I made a 16 string bracelet and I'm selling it for 4 dollars do you tihnk its fare?
I made with a loom

RE: Bracelet price? by kat606 7 years ago

ive made strings with 20 and over strings across been having trying to sell them at high coast any suggestions? should i make them coast less if so how much?

RE: Bracelet price? by Allison98 7 years ago

I don't know what you consider a high cost, but don't lower it too much. Sooo many people underprice bracelets that are handmade and so people don't pay the higher price that it's worth.


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