
was donated
Kumihimo Pattern Section by RockePloeger 13 years ago

Is there any way we could get a section specifically for the Kumihimo patterns? It's nice to have them all up in the gallery but sometimes it takes away from seeing the final works that people have done.

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by Stefan 13 years ago

You're definitely right. I've been thinking of making an own generator and an own section for Kumihimo but I need to do some more reaearch first :-)

Stefan, webmaster

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by RockePloeger 13 years ago

:D I think it would be a great idea with the popularity for sure.

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by Charmed_1 13 years ago

Thanks stefan for checking into it. As I to am not a fan of seeing those patterns in the gallery. I too think it takes away from the finshed work that people put a lot of time into. For now, couldn't you post those patterns "as" a tutorial? and not as a photo to a current tutorial, which I would think is how it ends up in the gallery?.....Just wondering!

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by Charmed_1 13 years ago

They are popping back up again! it's really annoying, please stop till stefan can figure out what and or how to deal with them. I have sent a pm about it. I'm not trying to meen or even whinny about it, I don't like seeing them in the gallery, and it truely is annoying. I'm sure there is a better way, please just be patient and wait before posting more of them. ;-/

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by Stefan 13 years ago

Kumihimos are on their way! See and

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by poplover1997 13 years ago

i just tried it and loved it!

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by ashitx 13 years ago

I love the new kumihimo generator! But I have a question: On the generator, will we be able to choose how many strings, like a 16-string or a 32-string pattern to make?

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by Stefan 13 years ago

Great! That's the plan!

RE: Kumihimo Pattern Section by ashitx 13 years ago

And will we be able to save the pattern?


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