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I need help! by 2cool4u 14 years ago

I know this may sound stupid but I need help with tiend a knot. Now let me explain:

I am a beginner. I am trying to make the arrow pattern. But you now how you have to have say pink on the far left and then pink on the far right and green after the pink and after the other pink? yeah well whenever I tie my knot it doesnt end up like that. Can somebody explain to me how to tie the knots correctly?


RE: I need help! by Mimii 14 years ago

I usually make the knot but re arrange them before I pull it tight... but you dont have to tie it in place. You could try taping it down to a hard, sturdy surface instead. Good Luck

RE: I need help! by K8e92 14 years ago
this is how to tie knots. also there are other bracelets on this page.


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