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tutorial page by K8e92 13 years ago

so i know the tutorials page is set up alphabetically, and that's a great way to organize it, but i was wondering if we could somehow have a way to tell the difference between a new tutorial and an old one? there are the "Newbie" ones but perhaps there's a way to mark them differently because I'm always trying to find new things to make. and sometimes i just go through every page of the tutorials and i miss some.
i know there's a tutorials newsfeed but when i click "show more" if just shows everything, it's not specifically tutorials (aka what I'm looking for). these are just some suggestions and i hope something, anything can be done to make searching for new tutorials easier.

RE: tutorial page by K8e92 13 years ago

i don't know how it did that twice. sorry

RE: tutorial page by K8e92 13 years ago

so, no one's replied and i think this is kind of important to i'm just commenting to get this back into the newsfeed. i hope others agree with me

RE: tutorial page by Joy 13 years ago

i think the newbie ones are just some tutorials to help newbies with some easy to learn patterns such as the candy stripe... and if ur looking for something specific u type a keyword into the search box above and see if there r any results that come up with wht your looking for. be sure to check all the way down bc there r sometimes tutorials that fit in with your keyword

hope this helped

RE: tutorial page by K8e92 13 years ago

that's not what I'm asking for. i want new tutorials to be specially marked because sometimes i can't remember which ones are older. and the only reason i pointed out the newbie ones is because they could be marked in a similar way. i know what newbie means.

RE: tutorial page by ISolemnlySwear 13 years ago

It's a good idea and I think it would be rather helpful but it could pose some issues. For example: what is new to one person who hasn't visited the site in a couple months may be different to what is new for someone who visits daily. Don't get me wrong, I do like this idea but perhaps it would be better if the date the tutorial was posted was marked next to it? That's simply my idea though, whether it would work or if there is another way I think this was a good topic to bring up.

RE: tutorial page by K8e92 13 years ago

well, i was thinking it could be considered "new" for maybe 2 weeks but the date it was posted is a much better idea.

RE: tutorial page by K8e92 13 years ago

i feel kinda stupid for commenting again just to get more replies but this is kinda important to me because i always check the tutorials to find new things to make and it's hard to distinguish what is new from what's really old and i just don't remember seeing it. does anyone else do this?

RE: tutorial page by lella 13 years ago

Well, that's a good point you have there. I personally think it would be good to have some short of notification for the ones interested in knowing..

RE: tutorial page by HappyFace8D 13 years ago

Yes I agree with you they should have some sort of thing that says 'new' next to it for atleast 2 weeks. :D This is an important topic (:


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