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tutorial page not working? by ashitx 13 years ago

Whenever I click on the tutorial page I get this:

'Hmm, isn't loading right now.
The computers that run are having some trouble. Usually this is just a temporary problem, so you might want to try again in a few minutes.'

Anyone know whats going on with it?

RE: tutorial page not working? by HappyFace8D 13 years ago

Like, When you clikc on the Tutorial tab this comes up? Or its it a certain pattern?

RE: tutorial page not working? by ashitx 13 years ago

When I click on the tab it comes up. I should have specified.
It was doing that about an hour ago, though. Now its just taking me to the home page.
Weird... D:

RE: tutorial page not working? by HappyFace8D 13 years ago

Well it works for me. try putting this in your adress bar:

RE: tutorial page not working? by ashitx 13 years ago

thanks. (:

RE: tutorial page not working? by HappyFace8D 13 years ago

No problem! c:

RE: tutorial page not working? by Stefan 13 years ago

Very strange behaviour. Try deleting the browser data (such as cookies) and restart the browser.


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