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what do u think?? by Joy 14 years ago

what do u think of my patterns? i think the are cool.

RE: what do u think?? by Joy 14 years ago

could somone please just give an opinion on my pattern?

RE: what do u think?? by Joy 14 years ago

just an opinion or some suggestions to make them better?

RE: what do u think?? by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

Joy, sweetie. Everybody here doesn't even LOOK at the bulletins unless it's a new pattern, everyone that is here just wants to make bracelets. So repeatedly asking and annoying people with these threads will result in you being now totally ignored.

Joy, thing is this place is about making the bracelets with your hands and thread. the image on the computer is just simply a guide. And there are so many people signed in, most aren't even active. So Joy, honey, I know you truly want insight on your bracelets, it's just best to post a topic and if it doesn't get any replys, just move on and try again later like a week or so, not within the time span of mere hours. Please sweetie?

RE: what do u think?? by Joy 14 years ago

sure whatever. and try not to sound like my mother. i guess i will just totally leave this site forever and stop making bracelets altogether...bye:(

RE: what do u think?? by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

If that is what you wish to do, I will not stop you, but I will not also force you to leave Joy.


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