
was donated
3 color alpha bracelet by schuale 14 years ago

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make a 3 color alpha bracelet. I already know how to make a regular alpha bracelet i just dont get how to make a 3 color one

RE: 3 color alpha bracelet by pooky 14 years ago

hi, what do you mean by 3 colors? bo you want 2 background colors, or tro alpha colors?

RE: 3 color alpha bracelet by pooky 14 years ago

correction Do

RE: 3 color alpha bracelet by Stefan 14 years ago

Well, there are complications when making those patterns, but I'll try to explain.

Let's assume you are making an alpha bracelet with letters in it. In ordinary alpha bracelets you have a number of vertical strings that will give the color to your letters, and one horizontal for the background.

The secret with multicolored alpha bracelets is to replace a vertical string with two, in different colors. When it's time to make a knot out of this double-string, just use one of them - in your preferred colour.

There is a tutorial in Heather's forum about this:

I hope this helps.


RE: 3 color alpha bracelet by Candy22 14 years ago

ok i'm sorry but i don't get it could some1 please could make a video or a better tut is too confusing for me..... (dont judge me because i cant figure it out lol)


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