
was donated
RE: Suggestion. by CoHa 14 years ago

Äh, Joy... sorry, but your posting is totally nonsense!

I like my patterns too, but the favorite-function is - in my eyes! - to show, which patterns from other users are aweful for me. It's little bit like a rating/voting.

And when you have added 96 patterns from your 96 created patterns to your favorite-list you show the other designers, that you only like your patterns, yours, yours, yours, yours....... nothing else.

You opened three or four threads based on the topic "How loves my patterns like I do?".

RE: Suggestion. by CoHa 14 years ago

I mean "Who loves my patterns like I do?"

RE: Suggestion. by Acid 14 years ago

Infact I remember seeing at least 3 with you going do you love my work Joy, and yes CoHa is right Stefan runs this site because it's a passion and it is his free time. Infact emm97 you have done the same thing recently asking what people think of patterns a, b and c. I mean are you both really that insecure you need to know who likes what?

I'm still with CoHa all the way on this one. I don't want to know who's added what even if it's people adding nothing but their own work and no one else's to their favs.

RE: Suggestion. by CoHa 14 years ago

I think an restriction that you cannot add your own patterns to the favorite-list would be very helpful :-) ;-)

RE: Suggestion. by Acid 14 years ago

That's 5 at least Joy not 1!

RE: Suggestion. by kimifly 14 years ago

I actually think this could be a nice feature too - although not a necessary one.

That way, when I find a pattern that I love, it would be really easy to find other people who love it as well, and seeing their other favorites might help me find more beautiful patterns that I may not have noticed before. (Since there are over 1600 patterns on the site, it's possible that I've missed a few...)

RE: Suggestion. by Joy 14 years ago

srry if my post was jibberish. i have already taken down 1/2 of my faves. i will be leaving some of them and u won't no until i amd done.
after that i will add some other ppls patterns.

RE: Suggestion. by Joy 14 years ago

all faves r down. down to only 5-7 faves. hope that clears some things up. srry for being so self centered on my patterns

RE: Suggestion. by Joy 14 years ago

promis not to do it again. iwodiie*

*i will only do it in emergency

RE: Suggestion. by K8e92 14 years ago

i like the idea of knowing who likes what pattern my just going to the pattern not the pages but maybe it could be the # of users (like CoHa said) but, if its not too much trouble, there could be an option to click on it to show the users. it will please everybody and it will probably be easier than having everone argue on this forum post.


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