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Notification Bug by K8e92 12 years ago

Sometimes I get notifications that simply say "also commented on (random time) ago" with no username or link to click. It's happened on several occasions.

RE: Notification Bug by ConfessorKahlan 12 years ago

I get this message as well, I've been wondering about it.

RE: Notification Bug by Carrie 12 years ago

This means a moderator has deleted the comment.

RE: Notification Bug by ConfessorKahlan 12 years ago

Oh, okay. Thanks Carrie!

RE: Notification Bug by K8e92 12 years ago

oh, thanks for the info. I found it really strange but that makes a lot of sense.

RE: Notification Bug by Stefan 12 years ago

It is a bug alright. It will be fixed in the next site version - which I am currently working on. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll keep an eye open so it don't happen again :P


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