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How to attach a new string? by kitxcatxbar 12 years ago

I am ALMOST done with an alpha bracelet, I just had one more letter to do and my main string knotted and for the life of me, I CANNOT get it out, neither can 3 of my friends. I was hoping I could cut it off and somehow tie a new one on, any ideas on how to do that? Thank you! :)

RE: How to attach a new string? by Jeckle 12 years ago

Just substitute in a new background string. Use a new safety pin if you knot that way, knot it and put it under your clipboard clip, etc. If the knot in your current string is low enough, you can pair it with a letter string and knot on top of it for a couple rows to secure it. :)

RE: How to attach a new string? by kitxcatxbar 12 years ago

I'm going to try it, thank you!

RE: How to attach a new string? by Jeckle 12 years ago

You're welcome :)


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