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Mexican name bracelet by CheRRy_31 14 years ago

does any body know how to make these bracelets..on heathers forum the offer a example but it doesnt explain it well...they are the ones that have the peace of plastic in the middle.

something like this

RE: Mexican name bracelet by Joy 14 years ago

looks cool. i had a bracelet like that once but i don'[t werar it anymore. its like a weaving type. hard to xplain but thats wheat mine was li,

RE: Mexican name bracelet by Tokio 14 years ago
If this was the one you thought wasn't well explained, try this. Same method, with different explanation. If that doesn't help, sorry :(

RE: Mexican name bracelet by ChioKitsune 14 years ago

mmm I'm mexican and i don't know how to make it...

i can buy a lot of bracelets here xD, but's not the same

RE: Mexican name bracelet by ZooYorksk8r 13 years ago

I KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM!..they are super easy. Go to google and type in "mexican name bracelet cube motif." It will be the second video. After you watch parts one and two you should get the idea. Then you should be able to figure out the lettering tho some letters are harder than others. I watched the video two days ago after i had one made for me. I am getting better and im starting to teach my friends! If you have any questions feel free to ask and ill try answer them as best as i can.

RE: Mexican name bracelet by Crazydog 5 years ago

@ZooYorksk8r I know this is a little late notice to ask about this but what plastic do you use and where do you get it?


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