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I'm soooo embarassed. by Dracafae 14 years ago

I've been making bracelets since 3rd grade and I absolutely cannot figure out the patterns without step by step instructions. I've been using Heather's website for the longest time but now that that's not working anymore I had to bite the bullet and ask. I've looked all over the web for instructions on deciphering patters and can't find anything.

So, I get the number of colours you need, and the order to start in. Then, how do you know where to start and in what order to knot?

I feel so stupid because apparently I'm the only person in the world who can't figure it out!

Sorry guys but I could REALLY use some help getting started!

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by Dracafae 14 years ago

Ok I take it back. I just figured out pattern 3644 so I guess I can't be as bad as I thought I was. I just though, this one looks so simple I can't NOT figure it out! And though I knotted and unknotted 300 times the first time through, I've figured it out! Yay! I'd still greatly appreciate advice on figuring out more difficult patterns, please!

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by danidukes94 14 years ago

ok its very see those little lines sticking out on top of the first row of "cirles"? that is the color order. the arrow pointing to the left is a backward knot. The arrow pointing to the right is a foward knot. the bent arrow pointing to the left is a foward-backward knot (which means you do a foward knot, then a backward knot) and the arrow pointing to the right is a backward-foward knot (which is vise-versa) basically you start from top to bottom...and when you get to the bottom you start from the top again...if the order of the strings at the end of the pattern are not the same as the begining order, follow the pattern anyway

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by Dracafae 14 years ago

Thanks so much! The thing is, I pretty much understood that part....what I really don't get is how you figure out where to start...I mean I know you start at the top, but where? In the middle or on one side? You know? That's the part I'm still trying to figure out.
I appreciate your help, thanks again!

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by danidukes94 14 years ago

anytime! btw, you start from the left

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by spiffehgymnast 14 years ago

i usually start at the left but it really doesnt matter as long at you take it one row at a time

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by Dracafae 14 years ago

Thanks guys! You've been great. I'm doing pattern 5 now and not really having much of a problem but you really have to actually go row by row without cheating or you get messed up!

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by schuale 14 years ago

you just read it like a book one line at a time left to right. I had the same problem when I first found this website :)

RE: I'm soooo embarassed. by Dracafae 14 years ago's so nice to know I'm not the only one who was confused. I would never have been able to figure out how simple it was...just following one line after another! On Heather's bracelet site it was always, "start in the middle, then left, then right, then left then middle yada yada" all over the place! I thought that's how allllll patterns were!


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