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how to start a bracelet...? by xxxstarxxx 14 years ago

how would i start a bracelet with a loop like this:

does anyone know how to do that? thanks c:

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by AAAL3C 14 years ago

i posted a thread asking the same thing last night using the same image
no response yet

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by xxxstarxxx 14 years ago

hahaha thats weird xD
i hope someone responds soon, im getting sick of just having a plain loop at the end... plus they always end up wearing out. do you think you could make the loop like a chinese staircase? idk know if that would work though :/

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by AAAL3C 14 years ago

yeah im sure that would work fine

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by JPIZZ 14 years ago

Hi I made the buckle you were asking about. All I did was start with the loops and did about an inch of the bracelet. Then I untied the knot holding the loops and wrapped a string around the loops and first row of knots really tightly to make it secure and uniform- basically, there are no knots in the buckle, just a single string wrapped around. Hope this helps! =]

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by Joy 14 years ago

yeah u cna make a loop w/ a chinese staircase.

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by xxxstarxxx 14 years ago

JPIZZ: oh, thats really all you did? wow, thanks ! (:

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by JPIZZ 14 years ago

Joy- it's not a chinese staircase, but that would work too.

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by spiffehgymnast 14 years ago

joy thats really smart!

RE: how to start a bracelet...? by Joy 14 years ago

oh i thought thats what most ppl did but i guess that would/could work =/ =] ty spiffehgymnast


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