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can anyone make this bracelet battern but fewer stings? by fbcreater156 14 years ago

i cant understand what they are saying are which knot is which

RE: can anyone make this bracelet battern but fewer stings? by sammywhammyful 14 years ago

no i cant but let me try again i will keep you posted

RE: can anyone make this bracelet battern but fewer stings? by sammywhammyful 14 years ago

i think figured it out i made it get translated to english

RE: can anyone make this bracelet battern but fewer stings? by moushtie 14 years ago

Each circle on the pattern is one knot. The colours of the circle is the colour of the knot. each circle has some form of line symbol on it.

\ is forward knot
/ is backward knot
> and < are forward -backward and backward-forward knots.
X means you can do any knot you like, because the 2 threads are the same colour.


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