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Keep an eye open for bugs! by Stefan 14 years ago

I updated the file dependency system recently. It makes the site faster but I might have missed some dependencies on the way.

If a page appears nothing but white, or if parts of the page is missing - please report!

Thank you

RE: Keep an eye open for bugs! by moushtie 14 years ago

*picks up her bug spray*

RE: Keep an eye open for bugs! by moushtie 14 years ago

Can't see any pattern pages, can't go to "My page"

RE: Keep an eye open for bugs! by Stefan 14 years ago

Are you sure? I tried it on 2 computers and I can view those pages. I assume you mean (for example) profile.php?id=1 and pattern.php?id=5011

RE: Keep an eye open for bugs! by moushtie 14 years ago

They work now. Sometimes they wouldn't load and sometimes they'd have what you said.

RE: Keep an eye open for bugs! by Stefan 14 years ago

I guess it works now :)


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