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Yin Yang Wolf by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

A friend of mine is crazy for wolves and he wants me to make him a bracelet. Okay so I'm very very new to this so its doubtful I'd even bother attempting anything like this any time soon BUT I found this beautiful yin yang wolf picture he would LOVE. What's the best way to go about making this into a grid type pattern for alpha knotting without making it ENORMOUS? I'd like to keep it as few threads as I can of course.. but its is an intricate picture so.. *shrug* Of course I don't know what would be better for this alpha or regular.. I've never done alpha.. so.. no clue.. *again shrug*

Also I've been searching for two already made patterns but I have no idea to where to find them. If anyone knows where I can find either of the following I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance of any help. :)

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

Oh and sorry.. duh.. misposted one of my pictures of a pattern I'm seeking. Sorry.. oops..

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

If the yin yang wolf isn't possible would about something like this one..?

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by moushtie 14 years ago

There's a wolf a bit like the last one here:

The Ying Yang wolf is likely to be too complex, unless you want a really huge alpha pattern.

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

Thanks moushtie.. :)

I actually snagged the farkas picture earlier from a previous post. I like it alot and I think I'll probably end up using that one.

As for the tribal yin yang wolf.. I figured it never hurts to ask... even if I know its nearly impossible. lol Maybe one of you uber talented people will have a go at it. hehe ;)

Oh and arg.. that silly double diamond pattern.. I just can't seem to find it. I think I'm going to have to give up on it until i'm experienced enough to attempt to wing it.

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by moushtie 14 years ago

Double Diamonds...

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by Joy 14 years ago

damn thats cool!

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by Dawnsierra 14 years ago

Aw.. Thanks so much moushtie!! You rock! *hug* :D

RE: Yin Yang Wolf by Joy 14 years ago

lol. everyone on this site are always so funny!!


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