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Kumihimo Favoriting by Fond_Of_Owls 11 years ago

I haven't seen anything about this in the FAQ's, so I figured I'd ask: How come it isn't possible to add kumihimo patterns to favorites? Am I just missing something?

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by kenna_14 11 years ago

No, Stefan just hasn't written the part of the website to do that yet. It's coming soon. At least I think so.

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by Fond_Of_Owls 11 years ago

Okay, thanks!

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by kenna_14 11 years ago

You're welcome.!

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by puddingtoe 11 years ago

I keep a list of my favorite kumihimos and tutorials on my phone

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by lady_cinni 11 years ago

I suppose you could always bookmark them with your web browser, if you're almost always using the computer. I did that with some of the Halloween themed patterns.

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by Fond_Of_Owls 11 years ago

Thanks for the other suggestions, puddingtoe and lady_cinni!

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by Carrie 11 years ago

It will be possible in the next site update :)

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by Fond_Of_Owls 11 years ago

@Carrie: that's great to hear! thanks!

RE: Kumihimo Favoriting by Stefan 11 years ago

Yep, and probably tutorials too :)


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