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Special Starts/Endings??? by knotsalot 14 years ago

I'm always seeing special starts (a braid, or two seperate things that come into one) and endings (basically the same as the startings) and I would like to know how to make them. Please help me!

RE: Special Starts/Endings??? by Jamsies 14 years ago

I don't have a professional answer, as I've taught myself all these patterns and techniques through this website and a few others... That being said I noticed that if you use a clipboard to secure the strings and do not tie a starting knot that you can make the braid after you start the first couple of rows of the bracelet. Use the clipboard fastener as the top of your bracelet... you know what I mean?
I've always been bad at explaining things, sorry. :P
Good luck! (=

RE: Special Starts/Endings??? by knotsalot 14 years ago

Haha its okay I just had to read it twice but I kinda get it :) Thanks for the help :)

RE: Special Starts/Endings??? by xxpAnDoRasBoXxx 14 years ago

i usually secure the beginning of my work to a ring of wire. this looks nice wen u wear it two.
for th ending u can separate the leftover strings into an equal number and make two braids or a fishbone plait. then wen u wear it u can tie the plaits around the wire!!
sorry im not the best teacher =P *blush*
lemme know how it works out for u!

RE: Special Starts/Endings??? by knotsalot 14 years ago

I will definently have to try that :) I'm visualizing it now and it seems awesome :)

RE: Special Starts/Endings??? by Puce603 14 years ago

Go to the section "learn" and after go to the lesson #5 "bucled" its show you how to start and ending a bracelet. It's really easy and beautifull!!! :)

Excuse my english... i'm not really good!!!


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