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HELP!! by indigo3 14 years ago

im just wondering how you follow the grid things they give you with evry picture

RE: HELP!! by moushtie 14 years ago

I think you need to click on the Learn tab and have a good read.

RE: HELP!! by indigo3 14 years ago

but it dosent really show you how to use the grid

RE: HELP!! by moushtie 14 years ago

Tutorial on the grid

RE: HELP!! by SpiffySocks 14 years ago

I'm sure you can do it indigo !

I did.
Watch the video too. It helps.

RE: HELP!! by dreamer 14 years ago

I have been looking at the tutorials on how to use the grid, but in the example given, the instructions go from the first row to like the fifth...kinda need to know how to start that second row before I can move on...what am I missing?! Thanks!

RE: HELP!! by moushtie 14 years ago

All that box 3 is showing you, is that when you move onto the 2nd row, you'll be working with threads 2 and 3, 4 and 5, etc. leaving thread 1 and .. the last thread... unknotted on that row. For row 2 just take the 2nd and 3rd threads and make the backward/forward knot shown, and continue along that row with each pair of threads.

RE: HELP!! by dreamer 14 years ago

Alrighty...think I got it now, thanks:)


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