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creating patterns by brenda 14 years ago

were can i created my own pattern

RE: creating patterns by Cathelijn 14 years ago

Click on "Generator" in the menu on the top of this page. There you can make you're own patterns.

RE: creating patterns by CRAZY_FUN 14 years ago

I was wondering the same thing!

RE: creating patterns by AuntieAnn 14 years ago

I have created my own but I wasn't allowed to name it or save it

RE: creating patterns by Frosty 14 years ago

were you logged in when you created it? You can't uploaed it unless you're logged in.

RE: creating patterns by AuntieAnn 14 years ago

It still didn't do anything

RE: creating patterns by Frosty 14 years ago

Auntie Ann perhaps Stefan might have some idea as to what your problem might be.


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