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Pattern #4041 help! by vivalamusic 14 years ago

Hey, I'm kind of new to making bracelets and all, and this pattern is really frustrating me. (Nothing against the maker of the pattern, kayy96 :D)

Okay, so I completed the diagram the first time through, but now I have NO idea how to continue. The only reason is because the colors are switched. So basically, if you look at Pattern #4041's page, my red strings are where the black strings were in the beginning of the diagram. and my black strings are where the red strings were. (The white string is in the same position.)

So now, I have no idea what to do, and I really want to finish this bracelet since I bet it'll have an amazing outcome :D

RE: Pattern #4041 help! by Kitkat 14 years ago

just go back to the top of the pattern and make it the same way you made the first part. this pattern is made in a way that after a certain number of rows, the black and red will have switched places perfectly. after another set of rows, it will be back in the way you started it. hope this helps, my sister had a similar question earlier today :)

RE: Pattern #4041 help! by vivalamusic 14 years ago

Thanks, that was so helpful! :D So basically I just pretend the red (on the diagram) is for my black strings and vice versa? Thanks again (:

RE: Pattern #4041 help! by Kitkat 14 years ago

yup, thats all there is too it :)

RE: Pattern #4041 help! by vivalamusic 14 years ago

Thanks! Now I can continue my bracelet (:


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