
was donated
RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 3 months ago

fishywishy posted a copy of A74991, rejected A76205

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 3 months ago

Marlee97 posted a copy of #94116 doubled, rejected #112376

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 3 months ago

moonbeam91 posted a copy of #86296, rejected #112371

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 3 months ago

YourFavoriteTampon posted a stolen pattern:, rejected A76213

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 2 months ago

lorekie posted two copies of #4906, rejected #112441 and 112442

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 2 months ago

LeGaosaure posted a copy of #2727, rejected #112435

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 2 months ago

jull anny posted a copy of #39524, rejected #112392

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 2 months ago

BrainLesion1995 posted a stolen pattern:, rejected A76243

RE : Users who copy patterns II by Celicia 2 months ago

RT posted a stolen pattern:, rejected A76257

RE : Users who copy patterns II by kleinevos 2 months ago

biju posted a copy of A38298 , A76228 is rejected.


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