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I "fixed" the 12 string autism bracelet but was rejected by mods, why? by lufbecky 11 years ago

the original 12 string autism bracelet pattern #4479 was only taken down 6 rows and it confused a lot of people so I remade it and continued the pattern til it started to repeat. Its done properly now, I took the time to do that.

Why was a perfectly good pattern rejected? And its unfinished identical not?

RE: I by Kestrel 11 years ago

Not really. #4479 is a great example of a non-repeating pattern, of which we have several on the site. The knot structure repeats, even if the colours don't.

To change it into a "repeating" pattern is still a copy of the pattern that exists. The pattern structure is the exact same, the knot structure is the exact same, all it is at that point is extended to show all the colours repeating. That doesn't make it a new pattern, just an extended copy of the old one.

RE: I by lufbecky 11 years ago

I think if you look a little closer you'll see that the original is a flawed design.

RE: I by Kestrel 11 years ago

Nope. And it would appear that the others who have already completed the pattern feel similarly.

Bottom line is that making a pattern repeat doesn't make it a new pattern, it is simply a copy that repeats. I know I've said the same thing to others before when they've done the same thing with other non-repeating patterns.

RE: I by lufbecky 11 years ago

Well at least I have it saved for my own personal use :) Just a shame no one else can benefit.

Perhaps an additional link that states its an "extended copy" (or some type of subclass) since you've said others have done the exact same thing with other "non repeating" patterns. Just an idea.


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