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String too short by usr707 15 years ago

a problem I often enconuter is one string is not long enough to finish the bracelet I already worked a lot on, is there a way of tying some more string without ruining everything? sorry for my English, I'm French...

RE: String too short by usr690 15 years ago

hey, i had this problem too-
i have the embroidery string, not yarn or anything, but what i did is basically tied another strand onto it (instead of doing a double knot, i knotted it three times because sometimes you can pull out the double).
if you tie it straight enought it shouldnt look too bad.

what i also did is i made sure that the knot i tied it w/ looked like another knot on the end of the bracelet, if that makes any sense. u cant tell, but make sure u cut the excess strands off AFTER you incorporate it into your bracelet.

RE: String too short by usr707 15 years ago

thanks, I think i'll try that, at the end of a row if i understood right....

RE: String too short by RainyLights 15 years ago

yeah, thats what i do. in fact, all you do is you make sure that when you're tying your knot that the bow ends up at the back of your bracelet instead of the front. therefore, you cant se it at all :)

RE: String too short by usr1521 15 years ago

is there anywhere on this website that tells how long to make the strings for each bracelet? i really would like to make #1425 but i dont know how long to make the string.

RE: String too short by Elikapeka 14 years ago

thanks for all this help!
my friend said oh - just tie it.
but my double knot was being tricky and kept coming off.


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