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Spain flag by Vi4e4Ga 11 years ago

Please guys, is anyone has this pattern, i cant find this in internet :( can u help me?

RE: Spain flag by kleinevos 11 years ago

There are a lot of patterns with three colors next to each other, you can just pick yellow,red,yellow for it. Or make it a 1212 with the right colors next to each other. And I have a pending pattern of the Congo flag. If you leave out the yellow star you also have your flag.

RE: Spain flag by raquelmanas 11 years ago

I made one for my aunt, in a moment I'll upload the pattern!

RE: Spain flag by raquelmanas 11 years ago

It's a pending pattern now, but I uploaded the pattern for you to see:

(I hope the link works)

RE : Spain flag by nuvoledg 2 years ago

Hello! I want to a pattern for Spain flag, because I need to make a present for a special person for me, who will be a National policeman. Thanks so much!!! I need it right now

RE : Spain flag by Celicia 2 years ago

You can do a search with the keyword "Spain" among the alpha patterns and you will find some option. If what you want is a normal pattern, you can change the colors for example of the pattern #7426

RE : Spain flag by Mapi last year

Hola, yo hice uno, pero no me lo publicaron, no entiendo por que, porque hay gente que si no sigue unas instrucciones al pie de la letra no saben hacerla…

RE : Spain flag by halokiwi last year

You could still post the image of the pattern here. Go to your pattern, click on it so it opens the gif of the pattern, copy the link, use BBCode to post it here.

RE : Spain flag by Celicia last year

For years we have not accepted more patterns of lines or stripes since it is enough to change the colors in which we have and also is very simple add or remove strings. We have patterns that can be used by changing the colors, like: #2342, 2539, 7426.

(Hace años que no aceptamos más patrones de líneas o rayas ya que basta con cambiar los colores en los que tenemos y además es muy sencillo añadir o quitar hilos. Tenemos patrones que se pueden usar cambiando los colores, como: #2342, 2539, 7426.)


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