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colours in pattern generator by TheDentist 11 years ago

Hello, I have an idea to improve your generator. I can hardly imagine COLOURS of a pattern which I would like to make. For example there is a pattern with 5 colours and its very hard to imagine it in different colours --> I dont know how will it look like, if good or terrible. So, the improvement - A tool, that would change colour for example string A - from blue to green and so on.

I hope you understand my message. I cant write it better in English :)

RE: colours in pattern generator by klmaslowski 10 years ago

I also think this would be cool, to go back to already made patterns and be able to edit them.

RE: colours in pattern generator by kleinevos 10 years ago
Here you are ! Fill in the number of the pattern instead of 66747 and it does all you asked for.

RE: colours in pattern generator by klmaslowski 10 years ago

Oh my gosh! All my wildest dreams have come true! Can't wait to play with it!

RE: colours in pattern generator by YohMike 10 years ago

How many strings does it support? I tried the app with a bracelet made out of 52 strings and it crashed every time.

RE: colours in pattern generator by cvm2007 10 years ago

kleinevos you helped me so much!

RE: colours in pattern generator by chinagal914 10 years ago

I found out about this a while ago, from a tutorial :) It so magical :D


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