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folding in half by rayleighg 14 years ago

am i the only person who doesnt fold the strings in half?

RE: folding in half by Frosty 14 years ago

I don't fold mine in half either.

RE: folding in half by usr5779 14 years ago

me neither

RE: folding in half by LenaB 14 years ago

I fold Mine , other wise... i can't wear my bracelet , cuz i have to have a loop :) :D

RE: folding in half by rayleighg 14 years ago

but if you dont fold them in half then you cant do the bracelt buckle right?

RE: folding in half by minnieclips 14 years ago

I only learned how to make the loop so they get folded in half, I know some know how to make the adjustable bracelet by folding them in half not sure how to do it . maybe someone has a video of how to make an adjustable bracelet or maybe even a shoelace.

I thought about making a wall covering which will take lost of long strings maybe use yarn for it and lots of length to it. Since I do not know how to cross stitch this is the closest to it.

RE: folding in half by LenaB 14 years ago

@rayleighg Ya you can't Doo the bucckle if they r not folded in half....

RE: folding in half by fbmagic 14 years ago

its fun to fold them in half cause then you have a loop then when your done with your bracelet you can add a button to the end.

RE: folding in half by LenaB 14 years ago

Yea & that too :)


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