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Turning patterns upside down by Laytons_pa 10 years ago

Hey, I was wondering, does anyone by any chance have any tips on turning normal patterns upside down? I'm currently doing #80704 (a lizard one) and I wanted to make lizard looking up, lizard looking down, and I was wondering if there was a way without doing a whole new pattern,

RE: Turning patterns upside down by caffeinatedec 9 years ago

This idea could work if you print out the pattern and work from it on paper..

Once you finish the tail in the pattern, there are a few black rows. So once you get to those rows, you could turn the paper upside down, and follow the pattern that way? When you finish the lizard going the other way and get back to a straight black row, then just flip the paper the right way around again =)

I hope this makes sense!

RE: Turning patterns upside down by kleinevos 9 years ago

You can knot the second one mirrored, you only need the right string-order which means you have to add one green string to the right-side of the pattern.

You can mirror the pattern just so, or use a photo-shop program to flip it over. Or just put a mirror next to the pattern.

RE: Turning patterns upside down by Laytons_pa 9 years ago

I'll try next time, thanks guys!


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