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Making a Ring - Fixed size by shpandoinkle 14 years ago

I'd like to make a ring that is a fixed size. I would like to somehow weave the string into the starting end to avoid having the l typical knot and loose string.

Anyone have a suggestion on how to do this? It would be an 8-1/2 size ring so it will be a decent size.

RE: Making a Ring - Fixed size by JPIZZ 14 years ago

When you are starting your ring, if you could leave each folded string by itself with tiny loops, you could thread the excess through each loop and weave it back into the bracelet with a needle.
^try making tiny loops like this
^pull two threads tight through each loop and weave back into the back side of the pattern

RE: Making a Ring - Fixed size by shpandoinkle 14 years ago

Thanks. I'll give it a try.


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