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change pending pattern by crazyleprechaun 9 years ago

Hi, I just admitted a new pattern, #83110 and only after saving I saw that color B is the wrong color. It is supposed to be the same as color D. So that the pattern works with 3 colors instead of 4.
Is there any way for me to change this while the pattern is being checked for originality? Please??

RE: change pending pattern by Thy 9 years ago

A mod (me, since I'm here right now) will change it for you. :)

RE: change pending pattern by crazyleprechaun 9 years ago

thank you so much!!! You're my hero!!

RE: change pending pattern by Meliitdf 9 years ago

And how is that possible? I also made a small mistake in a pattern

RE: change pending pattern by Foz 9 years ago

if it's only a matter of a wrong colour, or an errant knot, we'll fix it during the checking process. if it's something else, or you feel we need to be told about it, you can make a report for us, or if you'd prefer, send one of the mods a message.

please do not, however, fix what you want to fix, and post it as a new pattern :-)


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